HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic is pleased to report the completion of the WEEK 2 of the HERITAG training course entitled 'Basic GIS for Economics and Tourism'.
This course was designed for teaching staff of HERITAG partner universities, focused in economics and tourism, introducing the basic concepts of GIS with a practical focus, and aiming to learn how to develop geographic information systems for tourism and cultural heritage management and applications.
The course was organised by GeoGraphic, with collaboration of teachers from GTU, ISU and NACHPG.
The 2nd half of the training was conducted in the 4th week of June 20-24, 2016 and included the following module:
III. GIS Workflows and Analysis
and this standard ESRI introductory course, delivered by GeoGraphic's certified trainers, was enriched by thematic keynote presentations shared by experienced Georgian GIS practitioners:
The training was held at the GIS Class of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Georgian Technical University (GTU), 2nd Floor, Campus III, Kostava 77, Tbilisi, GEORGIA.
The 2 weeks long training course was concluded with the site tour of Aghmashenebeli historic district redevelopment, guided by the Director of GeoGraphic Dr. George Gotsiridze.
All training materials in English language (tutor and screen videos, training book 2, presentation and lecture powerpoints, list of participants, photo gallery, etc.) are available through project ftp. Please contact webmaster via email heritag@geographic.ge for decision on access to training materials.
A total of 18 selected participants attended the course and obtained certificates from GeoGraphic in recognition of successful completion: ASUE (2 certified participants), BSU (1), GeoG (2), GSU (2), GTU (3), ISU (2), NACHPG (1), NUACA (2), SERF (1) and UITO (1).
Training program is available at this link.
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