HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

HERITAG project is pleased to report the completion of the 2 weeks training course no. 4.2 entitled 'Mobile Web Mapping for Cultural Heritage and Tourism', organised by UPV partner and project coordinator on 17-29 October 2016, València, Spain, at the premises of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
This intensive course was delivered by trainers from the European partners UPV, Spain and AUTH, Greece. In addition to detailed courses on applications in mobile mapping, web mapping and photogrammetry, invited speakers delivered lectures on ground penetrating radar and 3D laser scanning technologies, as well as the use cases of the application of these technologies for enhancing the cultural heritage and tourism experience in Spain.
The 2 weeks long training course was concluded with the exciting study tour to the historical places of Sagunto Fortress.
A total of 16 selected participants attended the course from partners BSU (1 participant), GeoG (2), GTU (2), ISU (4) and NACHPG (1) from Georgia and partners NUACA (5) and SERF (1) from Armenia.
All training materials in English language (course videos, 3 training packages respectively in mobile application development, photogrammetry in support of cultural heritage site mapping, web mapping tools, as well as the lecturer presentations and other training materials including photo galleries, are available through project ftp. These materials will be used by participating partners from Armenia and Georgia to develop similar curricular packages for their institutions. Please contact via email heritag@geographic.ge for decision on access to training materials.
Training program is available at this link.
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