HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

At the request of the coordinating partner GeoGraphic on 16 March 2017 Georgian partners conducted the regular project board meeting no. 04, hosted by Ilia State University, Tbilisi.
Georgia partners project board was invited to discussed the following points: (1) progress with social survey; (2) draft of the Advisory Board Member Agreement in Georgia; (3) final list of potential members of Advisory Board in Georgia and possible dates for the first meeting; (4) preparation for the forthcoming partner meeting in Rimini; (5) readiness for participation in training 4-6 in Rimini; (6) equipment procurement and financial reporting matters.
Tbilisi-based partner representatives (GTU, ISU, GeoGraphic, NACHPG) all attended the Project Board Meeting 04, except SkyTravel. Batumi-based partner (BSU) could not participate due to objective reason (travel logistics). Agenda, materials and minutes of the meeting are available at project FTP repository, folder WP_01.
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