HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

ERASMUS+ program funded HERiTAG project Midterm Evaluation Meeting was held on 15 February 2018 at the Ilia State University (ISU) and then at Georgian Technical University (GTU) in Tbilisi, Georgia, attended by European and Georgian partner universities and experts of external evaluation group, namely the representatives from Valencia Polytechnic, Bologna, Thessaloniki, Karlsruhe, Ljubljana, Sassari, Georgian Technical and Ilia State Universities, as well as the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia and GeoGraphic partners. Participating in the meeting at ISU were representatives from the National Erasmus+ Office Georgia and the Project Advisory Board members.
The meetings coincided with the establishment of the Geoinformation Technology and Tourism Centre (GTTC), hosted by ISU and operated jointly with Georgian partners. The event at ISU therefore included the opening of GIS Laboratory, computer equipment for which was provided with support of the HERiTAG project. GTTC and GIS Lab opening ceremony, together with European and Georgian project partners, was attended by high-ranking representatives of the ISU Administration.
Visit this link to access news feed at ISU webpage.
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