HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

Education interdisciplinary Reform in Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation curricula / HERITAG
The project HERITAG aims to develop an interdisciplinary reform in higher education programmes at master level and continuing education integrating Geo-information Technologies (GIT) applied to cultural heritage documentation, tourism management and entrepreneurship.
The project promotes the synergy of three main groups of stakeholders: Universities, industry and Administration. The curricular reform integrates the development of capacities in 3 main national and regional priorities in Georgia and Armenia: Geo-information Technologies (GIT), cultural heritage preservation and documentation, and fostering tourism business and entrepreneurship.
The efficient and sustainable implementation of the project will allow Georgia and Armenia to build tourism opportunities based on the rich cultural heritage of the region, and impulse the technical field of GIT, that will be a key for innovation in the near future of these countries, with an important growing potential. This will preserve the history, foster the tourism, and build innovation in the region.
European Erasmus+ supported HERiTAG project partners are pleased to announce the final conference, concluding the 3 year long project, with cooperative events co-organised together with another Erasmus+ project CulturWB.
Agendas of the HERiTAG Final Conference (April 3) and joint HERiTAG-CulturWB Inter-coaching Workshop (April 4) can be found at the links below.
The first Life Long Learning (LLL) continuing education course delivered within the framework of Geoinformation Technologies & Tourism Centre (GTTC), established with support of the Erasmus+ of HERiTAG project, was successfully completed with joint efforts of Ilia State University (ISU Institute of Economics and Business and School of Natural Sciences and Engineering) and the Georgian Technical University (GTU Department of Engineering Geodesy and Geoinformatics), conducted in cooperation with experts from National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation (NACHPG) and GeoGraphic Ltd.
3D Laser Scanning of the beautiful Kvetera Church was successfully completed during the field work on March 10, 2019 by participants of the Continuing Education Course GTTC-01 "Introduction into Application of Geoinformation Technologies to Cultural Heritage and Tourism".
The course was organised withing the framework of Geoinformation Technologies & Tourism Centre (GTTC) established by Georgian partners under the Erasmus+ HERiTAG project.
Georgian partners of the HERiTAG project are thrilled to report on 8th of March 2019 launch of the Continuing Education Course "Introduction into Application of Geoinformation Technologies to Cultural Heritage and Tourism" within the framework of the Geoinformation Technologies & Tourism Centre (GTTC), established at Ilia State University jointly with Georgian partners Georgian Technical University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia and GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic.
Georgian partners of Erasmus+ HERiTAG project are pleased to announce Lifelong Learning (LLL) Continuing Education Course "Introduction into Application of Geoinformation Technologies to Cultural Heritage and Tourism", developed by Ilia State University and Georgian Technical University with support of other project partners National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia and GeoGraphic within the framework of jointly established Geoinformation Technologies & Tourism Centre (GTTC).
GSU amd NUACA partners are pleased to announce and invite eligible partners to participate in HERITAG training workshop 4.8 (new teaching methods, 14-16 May 2018) and in the project partner meeting (10 May 2018), to be held, respectively, at Goris State University (BSU), Goris, Armenia and at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Yerevan, Armenia.
Three days workshop is organised by GSU with support of European, Armenian and Georgian partners and is designed for universities and other partners from two beneficiary countries.
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