HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

HERiTAG project is pleased to report the completion of the 2 weeks training no. 4.6 entitled 'Economics for Tourism Development', organised by UNIBO partner on 20-31 March 2017 at the Department of Economics and the Advanced School of Tourism Sciences, Rimini Campus, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.
The 3nd meeting of the Erasmus+ HERiTAG project partners was held on 23-24 March, 2017 in Rimini, Italy, hosted at the Department of Economics and the Advanced School of Tourism Sciences, Rimini Campus of University of Bologna (UNIBO).
The partner meeting took place at the beginning of the training course 4.6 'Economics for Tourism Development', organised by UNIBO in Rimini on 20-31 March 2017, so that several participants could take part in the training.
At the request of the coordinating partner GeoGraphic on 16 March 2017 Georgian partners conducted the regular project board meeting no. 04, hosted by Ilia State University, Tbilisi.
Higher education STUDENTS and industry STAKEHOLDERS are invited to take part in the survey on 'Geospatial Information Technologies (GIT) in support of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Economics'.
Please read instructions and complete the survey following a respective link below:
At the request of the coordinating partner GeoGraphic on 20 January 2017 Georgian partners conducted the regular project board meeting no. 03, hosted at its office by the partner SkyTravel, Tbilisi.
Georgia partners project board was invited to discusaas the following points: (1) agree social survey forms for deliverable 1.2; (2) review survey respondents lists; (3) suggest potential members of Advisory Board in Georgia; (4) discuss issues of Advisory Board charter; (5) ongoing training activities and plans; (6) financial reporting for year 1.
UNIBO partner and UPV project coordinator are pleased to announce and invite eligible partners to participate in HERITAG training 4.6 (economics for tourism development, 20-31 March 2017) and in the project partner meeting (23-24 March 2017), planned by UNIBO in Rimini (near Bologna), Italy.
This intensive course 4.6 is organised by Department of Economics and the Advanced School of Tourism Sciences from UNIBO and is designed for 18 participants: 2 persons each from ASUE, GSU, ISU, BSU, NUACA, UITO and GTU, and 1 from GeoGraphic, NACHPG, RUMEA and SkyTravel.
AUTH partner is pleased to announce and invite eligible partners to participate in HERITAG training 4.5 (photogrammetry for cultural heritage documentation, 19-30 June 2017), planned at AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece.
This intensive course 4.5, organised by the Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, AUTH and one specialist from UPV, is designed for 14 participants: 3 persons each from NUACA, GTU and ISU, and 1 from ASUE, GSU, BSU, GeoGraphic and NACHPG.
Course outline is provided in the link below.
on 14 November 2016 Georgian Technical University (GTU) and other HERITAG project partners from Georgia hosted the National Erasmus+ Office Monitoring Mission at GTU Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics. GTU, ISU, NACHPG and GeoG project managers were present at the meeting, providing Erasmus+ officers with in-depth insight into the HERITAG activities implemented so far and the forthcoming plans. HERITAG trainees from GTU, ISU, NACHPG and GeoG shared participant satisfaction with the guests.
HERITAG project is pleased to report the completion of the 1 week training workshop no. 4.3 entitled 'Entrepreneurship in Tourism', organised by UPV partner and project coordinator on October 31-04 November 2016, València, Spain, held at the IDEAS-UPV Institute of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
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