HERITAG-Georgia LMS Launched

HERiTAG project partners Georgian Technical University (GTU) and National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia (NACHPG) in joint work combining newly acquired 3D Laser Scanner with project support, complemented with drone photography, conducted the first field measurements at the 9th-10th century AD Kaloubani Saint George Church, located north of Mtskheta, ancient capital of Georgia.
Within the framework of Erasmus+ HERiTAG Project Geoinformation Technology GiT-Lab was opened at the Tourism Faculty of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU Partner), that is devoted to train professionals in GiT applied to cultural heritage and tourism, to document architectural and historical monuments and map mountainous regions, and to disseminate the history, culture and landscapes using modern geovisualisation techniques in support of the following learning courses and modules - Cultural Tourism, Tour Guiding, Management of Cultural Heritage - developed within the project.
ERASMUS+ program funded HERiTAG project Midterm Evaluation Meeting was held on 15 February 2018 at the Ilia State University (ISU) and then at Georgian Technical University (GTU) in Tbilisi, Georgia, attended by European and Georgian partner universities and experts of external evaluation group, namely the representatives from Valencia Polytechnic, Bologna, Thessaloniki, Karlsruhe, Ljubljana, Sassari, Georgian Technical and Ilia State Universities, as well as the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia and GeoGraphic partners.
HERiTAG Partner Georgian Technical University (GTU) is pleased to report successful procurement of the 3D laser scanning equipment, packaged with software and accessories.
On completion of international tender the following products were delivered by the successful bidder FARO Swiss Holding GmbH, Switzerland:
The 4th meeting of the Erasmus+ HERiTAG project partners was held on 29 September, 2017 in Batumi, Georgia, hosted at the Tourism Faculty of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU).
The partner meeting took place right after the additional training workshop 6.1 on 'Quality Assurance in Higher Education', hosted by BSU in Batumi on 26-28 September 2017.
BSU partner is pleased to announce and invite eligible partners to participate in HERITAG training workshop 6.1 (quality assurance in higher education, 25-29 September 2017) and in the project partner meeting (30 September 2017), to be held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU), Batumi, Georgia.
One week additional QA in HE workshop 6.1 is organised by BSU with support of European project partner universities and is designed for universities and other partners from Georgia and Armenia.
Preliminary course outline is provided in the link below.
HERiTAG project is pleased to report the completion of the 2 weeks summer school training no. 4.5 entitled 'Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Documentation', organised by the partner Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Faculty of Engineering, Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, in cooperation with AUTH School of History and Archaeology, held on 19-30 June 2017 held in Vergina (week 1) and Thessaloniki (week 2), Greece.
This first founding meeting of the HERiTAG Georgia Advisory Board (AB-GE), consisting of the visible representatives of stakeholders (geospatial information technology, cultural heritage and tourism economy sectors from governmental, non-governmental, sectoral association, education and private sectors) and partner project managers was held on 02 June 2017, hosted at the Ilia State University (ISU).
HERiTAG project is pleased to announce the initiation of project brochure series.
The first brochure informs on project objectives, lists partners, work packages and training activities.
The brochure is available for download at HERⓘTAGⓔNEWS #01.
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